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Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025


The World-Cultural-Heritage - The Cultural-Shock


For additional information see: www.ursula-luebeck.de

Most of the letters have been written for people in a controlling positon worldwide.

Letters and Information: Reading letters

it is worth the effort.


The World-Cultural-HERITAGE

Ursula Sabisch, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the

Save the Children Germany e. V.

Attn. Of Ms. Kathrin W.

Marktgrafenstr. 58

10117 Berlin

Luebeck, Nov. 27, 2015

Free English translation on 26 September 2021.

Money Sources of the End Times or Opening of the Revelation.

The German-language you may find here!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Mrs. K. W,

Thank you for your promotional letter of Nov. 23, 2015, requesting

an additional donation for Christmas.

The fight against hunger, cold and diseases or deaths, which for really trivial reasons determine everyday life for decades, must be ended or won as soon as possible in the twenty-first century.

The means for it are ready, which were certainly not distributed to individual persons by chance; however the means or the fortune were not given to those, so that man creates a paradise on earth for himself, but so that this predestined man recognizes his office as an administrator and seriously carries out this predestination or implements it as fast as possible, before a free will becomes impossible!

This means that you must turn to the millionaires, multimillionaires, billionaires and more, who are distributed all over the world and confront them with the matter and the commission of the Lord directly, what you can take from my numerous homepages.

For these above-mentioned rulers it means in the plain text that each administrator of the funds must independently accompany and finance projects after his choice, by also supervising the funds and excluding corruption also in Africa or Latin America, because the financial wealth of individuals is not to be shifted, but to be used correctly for the predetermined people in the matter and in the commission.

Enclosed I send you my latest letter, so that you will get to know each other as the contact persons, however, if possible on different ways the matter should be tackled, since the world still carries far larger problems with itself.

Thus I remain with kind regards,

Ursula Sabisch

(Willkommen-Welcome (saturnum.de)

Letter follows with attachment by mail

Additional information you may find here: Willkommen-Welcome (ursula-sabisch-weltkulturerbe.com)